Welcome to the fantastical world of Spooky Eyes! They are a large site full of wonderful styles of different contact lenses. From Colored Contact Lenses to patterned lenses; they really have it all. Ever wanted to know what a cosplay paradise was? It's been here all along for the perfect eye accessory.
Anyway, the contact lenses came perfectly packaged in their own separate solution packets. Make sure they both look like the bottom lens. If you can tell the top one is flipped to the wrong side and it will irritate your eye if you put it on the wrong way.
I got my contacts in the Demon Eye style. The brand is called Dream Eyes and the lenses are made in Korea (Which are the highest quality lenses I have seen around by the way). The only thing is you should have your own lens case to store them in because they don't come with that. You also have to watch the liquid in the contact case because if you aren't wearing them regularly the liquid in there will evaporate over time and might destroy your lenses. (It's happened to me once already >__< )
So how did they fit? They fit my eyes well and only bothered me for a minute (I have really heavy prescription vision on my eyes) . My eyes got used to them and I was soon walking around at home with them on freaking out my boyfriend and kiddies, lol. They are a ton of fun to wear. As far as I can see right now you can get them for $26.95. The site is UK based so you will have to wait a little bit because they do come through Royal Mail. (Took about a week to get to me in Pennsylvania, USA)
Feel free to check out all the awesome styles you can achieve by visiting Spooky Eyes for yourself.
Spooky Eyes based in the UK specialize in crazy, natural and Halloween cosmetic contact lenses.
Stocking over 500 designs for many different occasions and amazing low
Great to change
your eye color, or to enhance your look. From natural green and blue,
to Sparkle and
party colors, and some amazing Halloween lenses to die
I can see you really enjoyed this review, and did such a good job at it as well. You want to know how i got these scars? haha