Sunday, August 31, 2014

Elite Gold Solutions BEST All Natural Sleep Aid, Pain Relief, Fight Heart Disease, Reduce Muscle Pain, Inflammation, and Aching Joints,Organic Tart Cherry Juice- Ultimate Antioxidant Vegetarian Organic Certified Review

I love products I can try that help with sleeping so I was all over this one. It's made by a company called Elite Gold Solutions. It's tart cherry juice. Now, I am a big lover of cherries all on its own but I never knew this stuff came in liquid form like this. So I had to do my research as always when I'm diving into something I don't know much about. Cherry juice is reputed to have several health benefits. Cherry juice is a natural way to find pain relief , fight heart disease and be a sleep aid. It all sounds wonderful right? It's pretty much the ultimate anti-oxidant.

I've tried this along with my son who always has sleep problems. I found this to work wonders! We took 2 tablespoons each. We both have to pause while taking it though. It is indeed quite tart. It's not a bad taste it just will take you a back. I like to just take it real quick kind of like a shot. You know kids are reluctant to take things they don't really like the taste of but even though my son kind of was squinty eyed about it he knew it worked so took it anyway. He even asked me the next day to have some before bed time.

The consistency of the product is liquid-y. You don't have to worry about it being super thick syrup. If I can relate the taste to something it probably gets close to pie filling but more tart. Anyway, this product is Made in the USA , USDA organic and gluten free. It also contains no sugar. As a mother I can totally recommend something like this to help your children sleep better at night. I know it will get good use here at home with mine. #tartcherryjuice #cherry #cherryjuice #sleepaid

You can buy your own bottle of Tart Cherry Juice on Amazon:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Enter to Win this awesome shirt from TicTacTeeShops Giveaway

Want to win this awesome shirt? Low Entries and super cute!

Come enter here on Facebook :

#HarryPotter #Quidditch #Giveaway #Tshirts #Snitches #cray 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Helping Hand Stand for ipod, iphone, ipad or other tablets and devices Review

So I got the opportunity to try out this product called the Helping Hand Stand. I figured this would be super useful for when I am cooking dinner in the kitchen and want to listen to music. Now, you must be thinking that I can just lay my ipod down on the table and let it play but that's not the case. If you lay it down on its back it sounds terrible. The sound needs to travel out a certain way for it to sound good. Also, I figured if I need to watch something on youTube like a cooking demonstration while I cook this would be useful as well.

So basically you have a thick plastic base which is hollowed out and then your flat "table" up top to hold your device. There is a sticky sheet you put on it and that's how your device stays in place. I wish that the stick part was limited to most of the middle part. I find that my sticky pad quickly attracted cat hair and my hair that always seems to fall out all over the place strand by strand. That's the only thing that annoyed me about it but luckily they do sell extra sticky pads on their site if I ever need a replacement.

Just a little demonstration to show you the sticking power it has on my ipod. And I put my hand around the base so I can show you the size of it. I am pretty sure this would fit into a car cup holder but I have not tried that out myself yet.

I can see myself using this a whole lot in the kitchen. I could also watch netflix while im doing the dishes which is awesome. #HelpingHand #ipod #iphone #accessories #tablet

 You can BUY your own Helping Hand Stand here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Optimal Healthcare Labs Advanced Probiotic ultra Review

I'm so excited I got to try another probiotic because I enjoy these types of pills very much. Probiotics are very good because they help with your digestive and immune system. I was using my first batch of probiotics to help out with my digestive system because I was having a lot of bloating which made me look like I was a few months pregnant sometimes. I'm not a big person at all so it is embarrassing because I can't wear small shirts without it being noticeable. I feel a lot better but there is another reason behind me wanting to try some more probiotics.

I am not afraid to admit that I have urinary tract problems. I get frequent UTI's all the time. (I know TMI!!!!) No...I really do have to talk about this because it's important to know. I did quite a bit of research and found out that probiotics may be helping frequent UTI sufferers with keeping it at bay. If you ever had a UTI you know the pain I am talking about. Feeling like you have to go to the bathroom all the time to pee and when you get there just a little bit comes out. It's one of the worst feelings ever!! You can't sleep can't go on with your daily activities because you are hitting up the bathroom frequently. UGH!!

So, long story short...I have been taking Optimal Healthcare Labs Advanced Probiotics and let me tell you I feel so much better. I actually felt like I had a UTI right when I got this product. Oh, you know when you have a UTI when you are a constant sufferer. Your urine smells feel the urgencies coming on...the utter feeling of dread. I took these pills for about 3 days and it cleared right up! I was so relieved and have been taking these pills daily to keep everything fine inside of me. I am so grateful for these pills.

Here's a shot of the pills. They are gelcap's and are very easy to swallow. I love gel caps...they are THE BEST king of pills for me to swallow. They have no taste to them.

I really enjoy this quality product and will continue to take them to make sure my body stays in top shape! You can even try them risk free. Also another point to make is that it helps with acne problems. I don't have a bad acne problem so I wouldn't know but they say it helps out so might as well try it out if its risk-free, right? #probiotics

You can buy your own bottle of Optimal Healthcare Labs Advanced Probiotic ultra on Amazon:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Priority Chef Dual Julienne and Vegetable Peeler Review

I got to try this amazing tool from Priority Chef. It's a julienne peeler. I honestly wanted to try it out because I wanted a good peeler. I really love the beautiful stainless steel look to it. So there's two sides to do what you want. There's sort of like a smoother side for your peeling and then there is the rougher side to julienne.

I mean it's kind of common sense to me but I do wish the sides were labeled. Maybe they could have etched the letter J on the julienne side and the letter P for the peeler side. It just makes things easier. 

So I wanted to try this out on a carrot. I love having carrots in my salad with dinner. I don't like the outer layer on the carrot though because its yucky to me. 

The tool is very easy to grab and hold onto to. Also notice the loop at the end of the tool so when you are done with it you can hang it up somewhere if you wanted to. I just keep mine in a drawer.

Here's my cleaned up carrot. This tool works so smoothly and effortlessly. I peeled that carrot really quickly. What I do is put the peeler at the halfway spot and go one way then flip it around and do the other side. You have to be careful because this peeler is high quality and really sharp.

After I had my carrot peeled I just cut it up in slices with my knife and put it in my salad bowl. I love this peeler and am glad I have it in my kitchen. #priorityChef #salad #peeler #julienne

You can BUY your own Priority Chef Julienne and Veggie peeler on Amazon:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Adovia Natural Facial Moisturizer w/ dead sea minerals Review

I got to try out this moisturizing day cream from Adovia. I love the whole Adovia line of beauty products because they contain something amazing called dead sea minerals. Dead sea minerals have a ton of benefits for your skin on their own. No matter whether your skin type is dry, oily or sensitive, you shouldn't skip the moisturizing step in your skin care routine. Leaving it out might quickly cause redness or flaking, and in time it can allow wrinkles and other aging signs to show up on your skin earlier than they otherwise might.

I was very excited to try this out because I don't even own moisturizer. I never thought to use it though I know a lot of people keep it in their beauty routine. I like to use Vitamin C Serum on my face to keep my skin looking smooth and clear. I have read behind the bottles of Vitamin C Serum to add moisturizer after you use them. So now I can say that I have followed the directions of how it needed to be used properly.

My skin feels so amazing. I thought it would be heavy and greasy but that's not the case. The jar is 1.7 fluid ounces. There is a wonderful rubber plug before you open it which you can use to cover it up after use but I discarded mine. Upon opening I could smell that wonderful scent of dead sea mineral I love so much. I really like how most of the Adovia products carry this fresh scent.

I've been using this on my feet as well. If you know me you already know I love putting all types of beauty products on the tops of my feet. It's important for me to keep my feet looking smooth and moisturized. I think too many people neglect this. There's nothing worse than a girl with a cute face and then you look down at her gnarly looking tootsies through her sandals. Keep em cute ladies!

I didn't notice any type of greasy feeling and it pretty much absorbs into the skin quickly leaving it so silky smooth.I would totally recommend trying out this moisturizer. It's very high quality and would last you for a long time even with daily use. #Adovia #beauty #moisturizer #deadseaminerals

You can BUY your own jar of Adovia moisturizing cream on Amazon:

 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cleopatra's Choice Brand - 100% Organic Pure Shea Butter - Raw & Unrefined Review

This is my second time trying out pure shea butter. I have tried many great products that came from Cleopatra's Choice like Adovia. I already trust the company as they have a good reputation with me. I do like the fact that this shea butter comes in a plastic container rather than a ziplock baggie. I just trust this one will stay safer. I actually might move my other shea butter into a tupperware container just to be sure it will keep well.

This shea butter seems like its more solid than the other one I have. Both were easy to use though. It smells great..nice and natural scent. Shea butter smells very's like nothing else. It almost looks good to eat for some reason to me lol. People do many different things with shea butter like making beauty products with it. I did make some body butter with my other shea butter I had but I need to get more containers to do that. For now, I used it in its pure form. All you have to do is scrape a little bit off and just let it melt down with your body heat. I really like to use it on my feet. I did try some on my legs but it just makes me feel too tacky and sticky. It made my feet look nice and moisturized. I think a lot of people neglect the way their feet look and it is just as important as keeping your hands looking nice as well. Shea butter is also great for any dry skin spots, stretch marks, Eczema and Psoriasis.

I just wanted to take a simple scoop measuring spoon just so you can see how easily it comes out. It's very easy to work with. What I would do is take any unscented favorite lotion brand of yours ( I used Amlactin Ultra)  and then mix it with shea butter. You can then add your own essential oils to it to make something a bit more customized for yourself. There's many DIY products you can make as well with it like soap but that requires a little more ingredients and knowing what you are doing. With some guidance though you can probably get on your way to making things to sell on your own or make handmade gifts for any occasion.#adovia #sheabutter #DIY #beauty

You can BUY your own tub of Pure Shea Butter here on Amazon:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thera Vita Thera Relief Natural Pain Relief Cream Review

I got to try out this natural pain relief cream from Thera Vita. I actually did not try it on myself but opted to try it out on my boyfriend instead. I'll get more into that later.

This product is made for fighting inflammation in joints and muscles. It's paraben free and penetrates deeply. There is sweet almond oil in this product and even though it says it's odorless I can catch the smell of that as soon as I open the product. It's a nice neutral type of scent that my blood hound nose picks up easily. 

There are many other oils contained in the cream like Jojoba seed oil, Sesame Seed oil, Sweet Almond oil, Avocado oil, Rosehip oil, and Pomegranate Seed oil. The cream is very smooth and somewhat of a pale yellow color.


So I decided to use this natural pain relief cream on my boyfriend's ankle. He said he has been having pain there recently. I distributed the cream around the area and he said it helped a bit to calm the pain down immediately. It didn't leave much of any greasy feeling after I applied it. It just gets absorbed into the skin like it should.

I think we both will be getting some carpel tunnel in the near future if not we have some symptoms of it now from the amount of time we spend furiously clicking away on the computer when we game. A product like this will definitely help out our pain in our wrists due to that. Knee pain? It comes with age and weight pressures. This cream just has so many positive uses and is a must for any medicine cabinet.

I do kind of wish the product was maybe an ounce or two bigger but on the other hand the small size makes it easy to store away or even carry along with you to the gym or hiking. It's convenient and cute in its small green jar. #theravita #painrelief #natural

You can BUY your own jar of Thera Relief on Amazon here:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Thera Vita Paradise Extra Virgin Premium Grade Organic Coconut Oil Review

So I got to try out this product from Thera Vita called Paradise Organic Coconut Oil. It's produced with love, on a remote island in the purest air and unpolluted waters of Fiji...oooh how exotic.It's 100% Pure & Unrefined, Cold Pressed, All Natural, Non-GMO, Straight From Fiji! Gluten Free, Vegan, Low Carb. I have never tried coconut oil before and have been seeing it all over the internet. I had a strong urge to see what all the hype was about naturally.

People use coconut oil for a lot of things but the most popular thing I have seen it for was something called Oil pulling. I will go more into that experience later. People use this stuff for cooking and eating. I really can't believe people just eat this stuff by the spoonful because I will gag just thinking about doing something like that. Coconut oil is also used for skincare products. It's particularly useful in making simple lip balms. You can use this stuff in your hair but I have not used it because if I put stuff like this in my hair I know it might get super greasy quickly. I personally use a real small amount of frizz defying cream in my hair.

This is how it looked when I opened it. Not sure if im supposed to mix it up or anything...maybe. I got the smell of bacon grease when I opened it up. I don't smell coconut at all. Is my tub of coconut oil spoiled? I'm not sure because this is my first time using this. I know I do have a tub of coconut oil hair conditioner and it smells like coconuts unlike this product but that hair product has some fragrance added so it could be that too. This product is 16 ounces which is pretty big so it should last a while.

So there's this big craze of something called oil pulling. You take like 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth like mouth wash for 15 minutes. Believe me, it's really hard to do. I have done it twice already. I will say to you that it does make your breath fresher but I haven't noticed any teeth whitening yet. The waves of slight nausea hit me every couple of minutes but go away in 2 seconds or so lol. It really isn't pleasant to do but I guess the cleanliness of the mouth can't be beat. My mouth has never felt this clean before even with brushing and flossing.

I have also been letting my cat have a tiny bit. It's supposed to help cats cut down on hairballs. It should leave him with a prettier coat of hair although my kitty is already gorgeous..don't ya think? He's a lovely beast indeed!

Alright so my after thoughts. It's definitely a product that can be used in so many ways. I think I even read somewhere that people use this as furniture and shoe polish. Isn't that wild? I really love when a product can be so diverse like this. I think I will experiment with it later on in making my own lip balm with a bit of beeswax and essential oils. Is it supposed to have a slight bacon grease scent? I really don't know but it hasn't bothered me that much. #theravita #coconutOil #coconut #oil #oilpulling

You can BUY your own tub of Thera Vita coconut oil here on Amazon:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Green Earth Frying Pan by Ozeri, with Smooth Ceramic Non-Stick Coating (100% PTFE and PFOA Free) Review

I got the chance to check out this Green Earth Pan from Ozeri. This one is a little different than the other two I have. This one has a smooth ceramic non-stick coating. This pan is 12" and it's HUGE. Everyone needs a pan like this in their kitchen. I swear, sometimes when I cook dinner I always don't have room for the last two marinated pieces of meat but now I will for sure have space for it with this pan.

The bottom of the Green Earth Fry Pan is the same as the other ones as well. It's magnetized. I just love the vibrant green color on all of the Ozeri pans. The bottom of the pan is built to take in the heat quickly and that it does when I make food on it.

You can gauge the size of the pan on an average sized stove like mine.

I decided to try out the pan cooking something delicate like Tilapia fish in it. To the left you can see my other Ozeri pan that can easily be used to make sides like these noodles. It's perfect for making rice and noodles because they won't stick to the Ozeri pans like it does with my other pans if I am not constantly stirring and baby sitting the food.

As you can see it was very easy to brown the fish and cook nicely. My fish didn't break apart into pieces and it just came out perfect. 

It's very easy to make a quick delicious meal with Ozeri pans . It's even easier to clean up these pans since all the mess didn't stick onto it. 

The pan is quite durable. I've felt cheap pans before and you can pretty much tell by how they feel in your hand if they are going to be good or not. Weight is good. What's also good as that the Green Earth Frying Pan doesn't release any harmful chemicals while in use. I love my eco-friendly pan and can see myself using all of my Ozeri pans for a long time. #Ozeri #Cooking #Fish #Green

Would you like to buy this pan? You can easily go BUY it on Amazon here:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Ageless by Thera Vita Review - Advanced Professional Anti-Aging Gel Formula That Contains Vitamin C E D A

I got to try out this hyaluronic acid serum by Thera Vita. I have tried many hyaluronic acid serums before but this one is the only one I have tried that actually has a scent. The scent is attributed to the lavender oil that is infused into this serum. It's a very lovely light scent and I like it. The bottle this serum comes in is very cute. I think the silver and frosted glass in the middle looks very classy. This product is made in the USA which is always a plus. The amount of product in here is 1.7 ounces. It's also paraben-free which is very popular nowadays in beauty products.

The top itself comes off easily to expose this handy pump top. All you need is a little bit on your finger tips and then it gently goes onto your skin leaving the light scent of the lavender oil behind. The serum absorbs into the skin quickly and does not leave any sticky residue. I , myself, use hyaluronic acid serum for under my eyes to keep the fine lines from forming. I have been using hyaluronic acid serum for months now and I can tell you it works to lighten up lines. I have noticed my eyes look a lot better than before. I like to pair this serum with Vitamin C serum for maximum effects of smoothing out the face, keeping your pores small, and leaving your skin looking radiant.

Not only do I think beauty products like hyaluronic acid and vitamin c serum is good for the face but its just good for your skin overall. I have been using it on my feet as well. Nothing scares me more than having ugly looking feet as I age so I try to keep them as cute and young looking as I can.I also have a rough patch of skin right at the top of my foot that I like to rub this serum on to alleviate it and keep it moisturized at the least because unfortunately I know it's never going away. *sigh*

Thera Vita is a wonderful company with a bunch of products that are high quality and I can totally recommend them. What's also awesome is that this product boasts to help rosacea and acne. I don't really have any of those symptoms but it's worth a shot since I know it does soothe me skin and makes it feel amazing.   #theravita

You can buy your own bottle of Ageless by Thera Vita here on Amazon:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Spin Master Gabby's Dollhouse Cakey's Kitchen

  We recently got the chance to check out the Spin Master Gabby's Dollhouse Cakey's Kitchen. Lucas really adores Gabby's Dollhou...